1. Drum set Mapex Pro M(клен) 20″х10″х12″х14″ +2 cymbal stands, chaeta stand, small stant+screw chair
2. Set of ryder microphones for drums - Shure PG52Betta,Shenheiser904,shuresm81,shuresm57
3. Bass Kompu Ampeg BA210 – 220 wt
4. Guitar Kompu Fender Hot Rod Deville 410 -60 wt
5. Vocal microphones Shure SM 58 = 2 items
6. Guitar microphones Shure SM 57= 1 items
7. Ear contrl Shenheiser E300 G1= 2 items
8. Monitors RCF315 as (400вт) = 2 items
9. Digital key stand + microphone stands (necessary amount)
10. Stagebox Allen Heath IDR-32 + Ipad
11. RCF4Pro 4001 = 2 items
12. RCF4Pro 8001 = 2 items
13. Radiomicrophone Shure PGX 58 Betta= 1 item
The set is popular for parties and banquets with the number of persons 40 - 100 people.